Is the earth round ?

Our topic this half term is Earth and Space. The children looked at various cards and looked for the evidence of whether the earth is flat or spherical as in the olden days people were sceptical about it.

Problem Solving

As part of their problem solving skills activities, the children were asked to solve a Tangram using rounding – as this is our topic. They worked in pairs and had to use their knowledge as well as their ability to think ahead to form a rhombus with the correct...

Drama Workshop

Year 5 received the visit of a Drama group who spent an hour with the class. They discovered the art of freeze-frame and used their deductive skills to empathise with the characters. The children had fun taking part and relating to different cultures. .

Drama Workshop

On Thursday afternoon, we were fortunate enough to take part in a drama workshop which was provided by Proper Job Theatre Company. During the workshop, children explored the story ‘The Wise Old Woman’ and practiced skills such as freeze frames. This was an...

How the world began

In R.E. we have been looking at our topic of creation. We began this topic by looking at the two theories of how the world began (theological v. scientific). After exploring the theological truth and scientific truth, the class created arguments for and against each...

Street Child

In English, we have been using our drama skills to empathise with characters from our class book ‘Street Child’. Firstly, we acted out some scenes from the book to explore the different emotions that Mr. Spink and Jim were feeling during key events. Two...