3N Stone Age

To kick-start our topic ‘Stone Age’ we decided to complete some silhouette artwork. We decided on a suitable background and made our silhouette from black card to stand out.  We have put our artwork up on display and they look very effective. We are very proud of our...


As part of the STEAM week, Year 5 have been concentrating on conducting some scientific experiments. The week was spent devising strategies: organising, planning and pricing an Antartica Expedition. The class has also worked hard to build a rocket that was launched to...
2N Africa

2N Africa

We introduced our African topic by looking at African dancing. We learnt some basic dance moves first. We did this at a slow pace. We then built on the basic moves and became faster. We had lots of fun and we can not wait to start our topic now. We completed some...

Year 1 at the Sand Park

On Thursday 2nd May Year 1 went to the Sand Park in Dewsbury Park. This trip was to introduce our new topic about the seaside. We had a great day – digging deep to find wet sand. The. We worked hard together to build fantastic sandcastles using the instructions...

Toy Making

In our topic lessons, we have been looking at different toys. We designed our own moving toys, made them from a variety of resources and then we evaluated our work. Most of our toys matched our designs and looked similar to what we wanted.  We used our problem solving...