

Miss Brierley

Class HLTA

Class HLTA

Miss Ellis

Class ETA

Class ETA

Miss Ambler

Class 1B curriculum

Winter term

Art – As artists we will :

  • Investigate and respond to Aboriginal Art.
  • Ask and answer questions about starting points for their work.
  • Select and develop ideas into 3D work in response to Aboriginal Art.
  • Use different tools for decorating surfaces.
  • Respond to a story as a starting point for 3D work.
  • Review what they and others have done.

Design Technology – As designers we will :

  • Explore different fabrics to cut and join using simple techniques.
  • Design a functional and appealing product for a chosen user and purpose based on simple design criteria.
  • Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas as appropriate through talking, drawing and modelling
  • Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as marking out, cutting, joining and finishing.
  • Select from and use textiles according to their characteristics.

Computing – As programmers we will :

  • Read and understand code.
  • Know what an algorithm is. 
  • Know what debugging means.
  • Debug simple programs.
  • Use printed code snippets so that children can’t run the code but must read it.
  • Begin to understand how things can be shared electronically for others to see.
  • Know that email is a form of digital communication.
  • Open and send an email to a 2Respond character.
  • Explain what a digital footprint is.
  • Give examples of things that we would not want in our digital footprint.
  • E-safety – use safety in balance with other activities.

 EnglishAs writers and communicators we will :

  • Write a letter.
  • Write narratives from personal experience.
  • Engage in meaningful discussions in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Begin to use present and past tense correctly.
  • Begin to self-evaluate our writing independently and with an adult.
  • Discuss and give our opinion on a variety of texts.
  • Develop our spelling strategies and rules.
  • Always use full stops and capital letters.
  • Start to use other forms of punctuation accurately, e.g. question marks.
  • Use interesting adjectives when describing a noun. 
  • Use our phonics sounds to spell and decode words.

Geography – As geographers we will be:

  • Know the names of and locate the 7 continents of the world.
  • Know the names of and locate the 5 oceans of the world.
  • How the continents are made up e.g. Europe is made up of several countries just as the UK is.
  • Know where the Equator, North Pole and South Pole are on a globe.
  • Identify whether a country will be hot or cold using the above knowledge.
  • Explore some of the features of a variety of hot and cold places around the world.

History – As historians we will :

  • Learn about a historical significant event – The Great Fire of London.
  • Learn about the life of a significant individual – Samuel Pepys – who has contributed to our history.
  • Discover how things such as London, houses and fire safety have changed over the years.

Maths – As mathematicians we will :

  • Read and write numbers to 100.
  • Know the place value of 2-digit numbers.
  • Know our number bonds to 10 and 20.
  • Compare and order numbers to 100.  Use < and >
  • Add and subtract 1 and 2-digit numbers.
  • Count in steps of 2, 5 and 10s.
  • Recognise odd and even numbers.
  • Understand that the 2 times table is same as doubling.
  • Draw and measure lengths in cm’s.
  • Compare and order lengths in m’s and cm’s.
  • Construct pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables and ask and answer questions.
  • Problem solving will be included in ALL areas of Maths.

Music – As musicians we will :

  • Follow an integrated approach to music where games, the dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc),
    singing and playing instruments are all linked. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song, children will listen and appraise different styles of South African music.

P.E. – As athletes we will :

  • Explore gymnastics actions and still shapes.
  • Copy and create link movement phases with beginning, middle and end.
  • Be able to throw accurately at a range of targets.

R.E. – As theologians we will :

  • Know why different people were chosen by God (Abraham, Moses, Daniel, Mary and Joseph).
  • Know that we have been given gifts by God and chosen to help others.
  • Know that Jesus is God’s gift to us and what this means for us.
  • Know about and reflect on mysteries.
  • Know that there are 3 persons in one God and we can think about him in different ways.

R.P.S.H.E. – as citizens we will :

  • Explore how we make friends.
  • Understand what makes a good friend.
  • Know what to do when feeling lonely or had an argument with our friends.
  • Learn about their feelings and having a positive mental health.
  • Understand what bullying is.
  • Know how our words and actions can effect how people feel.

Science – As scientists we will :

  • Investigate materials suitable for different purposes.
  • Which properties make materials suitable for different jobs ?  
  • Investigate which materials can change shape easily.
  • Discuss the difference between man-made and natural objects.
  • Complete wax drawing and colour washing.
  • Explain why some materials need to be waterproof.
  • Describe what happens when a material is heated up.
  • Investigate the changes to wax crayons cause by heat.



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RE In RE we have been discussing the Annunciation; when the angel came to visit Mary. Today we painted pictures of this to help us re-tell the story. 1G Annunciation from StPaulinus School on Vimeo.

Skipton Caslte

Year 1 trip On Monday 13th November year 1 went on a trip to Skipton Castle. The children had the opportunity to explore the castle and listen to amazing facts and stories from their tour guides. We went inside a medieval kitchen and banquet hall, we went to the top...

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