Thursday 19th October

This week we had some special visitors from CAFOD who told us all about how we can brighten up the lives of others this Harvest. We will be celebrating our annual Harvest Festival next week on Thursday 19th October. Each class has prepared something to show you during their assembly. Please come and watch us if you are free – 9:30 am for EYFS and KS1 / 2:15 pm for KS2.

This year we are asking for any donations of non-perishable foods/ tinned foods/ dried foods such as pasta and rice/ coffee/ tea and biscuits to donate to those that are less fortunate than ourselves. Hopefully, we will collect as much, if not more, than last year! Half of the food will go to the SVP support centre in Leeds, who create emergency food parcels for families, babies and young children in the West Yorkshire area and at Christmas, they also provide hampers with foods and festive treats for those who are in need. The other half of the food will go to Care Dewsbury. This food will then be redistributed to families in need in Dewsbury or used to cook meals for the homeless in our area. If you are aware of a resident of Dewsbury and the surrounding area who may need access to the Food Bank, please let them know that they can get a voucher from the following organisations: Job Centre, Dewsbury Town Hall reception, Sure Start Centre, KNH Housing offices, Dewsbury Drop-in Kirklees Benefits Advice Service or you can ring Kirklees Local Welfare Provision on 01484 414782.