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St Paulinus Catholic Primary Academy Temple Road, Dewsbury, WF13 3QE

01924 488282

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Year 2

Mrs Cummins & Miss Whitehead


Art – As artists we will:

  • Develop feeling responses to music through line, shape and colour.
  • Collect and select lines and patterns for their work.
  • Develop brush control and pattern making.
  • Use techniques of pattern making, colour mixing, and brush control.
  • Create patterns through selected use of colour and shape.

Computing – We will:

  • Use 2 Sequence to create music.
  • Explore how to create a tune and change the speed and add sounds.
  • Consider how music can express feelings.
  • Upload and use my own sounds.
  • Use 2 Quiz and 2 Connect to present my own ideas.
  • Discuss our work and make improvements based on feedback.
  • Use a variety of software to manipulate and present digital content and information.

Design Technology – As designers we will:

  • Describe fruit by talking and drawing.
  • Use utensils safely and explain the importance of food hygiene.
  • Design a fruit kebab.
  • Give reasons for our choices related to the task.
  • Evaluate my ideas and products against my own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve my work.

English – As writers and communicators we will:

  • Use past and present tense correctly.
  • Write non-chronological reports, diary entries and fictional narratives.
  • Evaluate our writing with an adult and independently.
  • As readers we will:
  • Read a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction.
  • Use inference to make predictions.

Geography – As geographers we will:

  • Identify and describe the main differences between a place in England e.g. Dewsbury and a small place in a non-European country e.g. Rio de Janerio.
  • Identify and describe similarities and differences between the 2 places: human features and physical features such as trade links, buildings, city, town, village, factories, farms, ports etc.
  • Identify the following physical features: mountain, lake, island, valley, river, cliff, forest, and beach.
  • Explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city or village.


History – As Historians we will:

  • Have an understanding of the chronology of various significant British kings and queens and be able to place some in the correct order.
  • Compare the lives of different monarchs.
  • Compare life then to now.

Mathematics – As mathematicians we will:


  • Measure, estimate and compare length in centimetres.
  • Explore 2-D and 3D shapes including their properties. Understand positional and directional language.
  • Use the ‘make ten’ strategy for addition and subtraction of regrouping 2-digit numbers.
  • Add and subtract numbers using pictorial representations, and mentally,
    including: a two-digit number and ones; a two-digit number and tens; two 2-digit numbers; adding three 1-digit numbers.  Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure capacity (litres/ml), temperature (°C) and mass (kg/g) to the nearest appropriate unit.
  • Compare and order volume, capacity and mass.
  • Apply knowledge of numbers to 1000 to read scales to the nearest appropriate standard unit.


Music – As musicians we will:

  • Recognise that music has a steady pulse, practise finding the pulse and decide how to find the pulse.
  • Identify instruments and voices within a piece of music.
  • Explore the difference between pulse and rhythm.

P.E. – As athletes we will:

  • Recognise and describe what their bodies feel like during different types of activity.
  • Remember, repeat and link combinations of actions.
  • Use their bodies and a variety of equipment with greater control and co-ordination.


R.E. – As theologians we will:

  • Know that Jesus rose from the dead and still lives with us.
  • Know that Jesus told the disciples that he would go back to Heaven but promised that the Holy Spirit would come.
  • Know that Jesus returned to Heaven but promised to return and this gives us hope.
  • Know the story of the Holy Spirit visiting the apostles and being promised to us.
  • Know that the disciples spread the good news when they received the Holy Spirit and that we can do this too.
  • Learn about the early Christian community and know that we are part of this community today.
  • Know that the apostles realised God could work through them.
  • Know the story of Peter’s escape from prison and reflect on its meaning.


RPSHE – As children we will:

  • Learn the different things that help our bodies to be healthy.
  • Know that eating and drinking too much sugar can affect our health.
  • Know how to be physically active and how much rest and sleep we should have every day.

Science – As scientists we will:

  • Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults.
  • Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air).
  • Describe the importance for humans of exercise, different types of food, and hygiene.
  • Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants.
  • Find out and describe how plants need water, light, and suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.
  • Discover how sunshine helps bodies to grow and how to keep safe and well in the sun.
  • Learn and discuss how to manage big feelings and the importance of sharing our feelings with someone we trust and to recognise when we might need help with feelings and how to ask for help.